Faculty Development Grants
Faculty Development Grants fund travel, conference attendance, and workshop facilitation for faculty on behalf of Seattle Colleges. Faculty members are also encouraged to seek local division and college professional development funds at each campus for their professional development events.
Grant-supported activities must align with Faculty Development goals to:
- Increase subject matter knowledge and innovations in instruction
- Improve instructional skills with all students, especially academically and culturally diverse students
- Foster collaboration among colleagues throughout the district
- Encourage lifelong learning
Faculty Development Grant applications must be submitted before the event begins (state rules). For specific dates, refer to the application deadlines section below.
Apply Now
Note: button opens new tab taking you to the dashboard in Inside Seattle Colleges.
To view full guidelines and apply, click the "Apply for a New Grant" button.
Application Deadline Dates for 2024-2025
Faculty Development Grant applications must be submitted before the event begins (state rules). For additional details, refer to the Deadline Dates accordion below.
- Monday, October 14, 2024
- Monday, November 11, 2024
- Monday, December 9, 2024
- Monday, January 13, 2025
- Monday, February 10, 2025
- Monday, March 10, 2025
- Monday, April 13, 2025
- Monday, May 12, 2025
- Monday, June 9, 2025
Types of Grants
Faculty members across the Seattle Colleges District are eligible to apply for the grants listed below once per academic year.
- Individual Grants up to a maximum total of $1,000 each academic year
OR - One Presenter Grant, every academic year, up to $1,500
-AND- - Group Grants: faculty members may participate in one or more Group Grants without affecting eligibility for an Individual or Presenter Grant. Amounts listed below are the total for the group, not for each person in the group:
- College Audience – Maximum funding level: $600
- District-wide Audience – Maximum funding level: $ 1,500 (events for a district-wide audience must be coordinated with the District Faculty Development Office.
For examples or proposals, refer to the Grant Examples accordion below.
Note that grant approvals do not guarantee time away from work. Check with your unit administrator. Reimbursable funds are contingent upon faculty’s employment during the time of the event.
Application Steps
- Complete the online grant application. (note: liink opens new tab taking you to the application in Inside Seattle Colleges)
- Verify travel per diem rates, if applicable.
For help with per diem rates for hotel, food, and mileage consult the ctclink Resource Hub (Travel & Expense tab). Note: per state regulations, faculty cannot be reimbursed for more than the per diem rates, regardless of the grant amount approved. - Submit your grant application, along with a copy of official published information, before the activity or event by the second Monday of the month. Any grants without the required documentation will be returned, including applications with non-working URL links. Group grants for which a speaker must be contracted must be submitted 2 months in advance to allow time for a contract to be prepared. Applications submitted in July, August, and September are reviewed in October.
- All applicants will be notified by email of the funding decision, usually by the third Monday of the month.
- Provide a copy of the email you received awarding your grant to your division staff. They will need this to complete your Travel Authorization Requisition (TAR) before the event and your Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) after the event.
- Obtain and complete travel forms.
- Read over the comprehensive ctclink Resource Hub (Travel & Expense tab) if you have any questions.
Faculty may apply any time before their event as long as
- the Travel Authorization form is completed
- and/or Activity payment receipt is processed if only applying for the activity registration fee
- and the application is submitted before you leave
From October to May, grant applications are reviewed after the second Monday of the month.
Grants for activities that take place from June to October are reviewed in October.
Grant applications are typically reviewed within a week of the application deadline and applicants are notified by email soon afterwards. If you have questions, please contact: FD@seattlecolleges.edu.
Application Deadline Dates for 2024-2025
- Monday, October 14, 2024
- Monday, November 11, 2024
- Monday, December 9, 2024
- Monday, January 13, 2025
- Monday, February 10, 2025
- Monday, March 10, 2025
- Monday, April 13, 2025
- Monday, May 12, 2025
- Monday, June 9, 2025
Grant Review Criteria
Faculty Development Advisory Committee members review applications and make funding decisions based on the following criteria:
- Application is completely filled out and followed the guidelines.
If you are asking for mileage reimbursement and/or you are traveling outside of Seattle, you must include all calculations in the budget portion of the application (i.e. mileage calculation, diem meal and hotel rate if requested). - Grant activity is aligned with Faculty Development Goals to:
- Increase subject matter knowledge and innovations in instruction
- Improve instructional skills with all students, especially academically and culturally diverse students
- Foster collaboration among colleagues throughout the district
- Encourage lifelong learning
- Grant costs are kept as low as possible
NOTE: At the end of the application process you will be given the opportunity to print a copy for your records.
- Once you have completed your activity, submit all required original receipts, and your division staff will then create a Travel Expense Voucher (TEV) and send, along with the receipts, to the District Business and Finance Office. (Obtain, review, and complete travel forms.) Read over the comprehensive ctclink Resource Hub (Travel & Expense tab) if you have any questions. All travel paperwork must be submitted within 45 days of your return from the event.
- Faculty grant award recipients need to write a brief summary report of the event and email it to the Faculty Development Office within 45 days of the activity end date or funding will be lost. This requirement is due to state auditing requirements and limited funding.
- Group Grants Only: To generate an honorarium of less than $600 per recipient for guest lecturers, please follow the following steps:
a. Obtain invoices from your speakers
b. Obtain W-9s from your speakers (not needed if your speaker is an SCD employee)
c. Obtain resumes or CVs from your speakers (not needed if your speaker is an SCD employee)
d. Have your departmental business office help you fill out an Invoice Voucher to generate the payment
e. Attach paperwork (a, b, c above) to Invoice Voucher and forward to Faculty Development, 1DO100
NOTE: Honorariums of MORE than $600, as well as outside facility requests, require district contracting, may require competitive bidding, and several month’s lead time. Contact the Faculty Development office for more information.
Example of a Good FD Grant Report
View an example of a well written individual FD Grant Report that meets the required guidelines for grant reimbursement:
- Sample Individual FD Grant Report
(links to document in Inside Seattle Colleges)
Examples of ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL proposals:
- Tuition or fees for workshops, conferences, special courses, seminars, etc.
- Cost of audio/video tapes and/or software when associated with a conference or workshop (Item becomes property of your division)
- Travel expenses to attend activities listed above.
Examples of INELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL proposals:
- Travel to distant locations when a similar resource is available locally
- Classes taken at SCD for which you may get a tuition waiver
- Materials and textbooks that are considered personal property
- Cost of organization membership fees, exam fees, or professional license fees
- Private instruction or tutorials when similar instruction is available through an established program
- Local events that do not have a registration fee associated with attending the activity
- The registration doesn’t include one of the Seattle Colleges as the applicant’s primary affiliation.
Examples of ELIGIBLE PRESENTER proposals:
- Fees for conferences when presenting papers or leading a workshop. Priority is given for presentations at national or international conferences.
- Travel expenses to attend activities listed above.
Examples of INELIGIBLE PRESENTER proposals:
- The registration and or the conference program doesn’t indicate the presenter’s primary affiliation with one of the Seattle Colleges.
- The presenter received a presenter’s grant the year before.
- There is no acceptance letter for presentation or program information from the conference organizer.
- The application is not complete.
Examples of ELIGIBLE GROUP proposals:
- Payment for speakers and consultants — including honoraria and travel expenses
- Stipends to faculty members for projects that enhance faculty growth and development
- A division or faculty group training activity.
Priority will be given to groups that:
- Assess and document the level of interest among faculty in the proposed activity.
- Describe the method used to estimate the minimum and maximum number of participants expected.
- Provide a detailed agenda, outline or program for the activity.
- Describe the expertise of all speakers, workshop leaders and consultants via a resume, vita, etc.
Examples of INELIGIBLE GROUP proposals:
- Activities directly related to the development of courses for students (these are covered by Curriculum Development Grants)
- Conference attendance (these are covered by Individual and Presenter Grants)
- A division or faculty group retreat, unless it is documented faculty training.
For More Information
Contact the Faculty Development Coordinator:
Phone: 206-934-4014
Email: FD@seattlecolleges.edu