Title IX Employee Training
Title IX Education and Prevention on Campus
All Seattle College employees are required to complete the Title IX and Clery Act training through our platform, Vector Solutions.
Title IX Employee Training
Seattle Colleges, Vector Solutions, Title IX Course is a foundational, required online prevention and response course about sexual harassment for staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and student employees.
At Seattle District Colleges (SDC), we remain committed to fostering environments where you feel valued and supported, and have the opportunity to learn and grow. As an SDC employee, you also have an essential role in ensuring a respectful environment for your coworkers and students.
The strategies offered throughout the course are meant to create and support positive SDC climates and endeavor to stop sexual harassment before it happens. The course is relevant to all SDC workplaces and campus locations.
After completing the course, employees will have an enhanced ability to:
Contribute to respectful work and learning environments
Recognize sex and gender-based violence and harassment
Intervene in situations where harm may be occurring
Respond empathetically when a person discloses they have experienced harassment and violence
Understand resources, reporting processes, and SDC policies on sex and gender-based violence and harassment
Employee course completion expectations:
Employees include all staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and student employees.
New employees—individuals who have not worked at SDC within the preceding 12 months—must complete the course within 90 days of their hire date
Existing employees will be assigned the course according to their unit assignment schedule but can complete the course sooner if they choose to do so
Former student employees, who completed the student employee track and are subsequently hired into a staff or faculty role, will be re-assigned and required to complete the track of the employee course relevant to their new role.
Course FAQs
How do I access the course?
Click the Vector Solutions Title IX Training Course here to be directed to the course. You will need to use your SDC email to sign in to the course platform.
If you are a new employee, you will be able to access the course beginning on your first month of employment.
If you have technical questions or did not receive an invite from Vector Solutions, please contact their Success Team @ success.getinclusive@vectorsolutions.com
If you have additional questions about Title IX, please email the district Title IX/EEO Coordinator @ TitleIX.District@seattlecolleges.edu
How much time does it take to complete the course? Can I complete the course in sections?
Completing all the modules takes about 90 minutes. The course is self-paced, so completion time varies. You can complete one module at a time, and the program will save your progress. You can then return to complete additional modules at a later time.
Is the course accessible for individuals with disabilities?
All videos are captioned, and images have descriptions. Contact Vector Solutions @ success.getinclusive@vectorsolutions.com if you need an alternative version.
What if the course is emotionally triggering?
The course was built to be trauma-informed, but it may bring up strong emotions for individuals who have experienced violence or harassment or recently supported someone impacted by violence or harassment.
If you would like to learn about alternative course completion options, contact TitleIX.District@seattlecolleges.edu. It is not necessary to share personal details when you send an email regarding the alternative course option.
If you would like to seek support related to sex- and gender-based violence or harassment before completing the course, learn about options at the SDC Title IX Website.
Why is this course required?
SDC takes sex and gender-based violence and harassment very seriously and expects all employees to do the same.
It is very likely you either know a survivor of sexual or relationship violence or will have a co-worker or student share with you their experience during your time at SDC. We want to ensure you have the vital information you need to support that individual or seek support for yourself.
If I’ve taken other courses on this topic, do I still need to complete this course?
Yes, this course is specific to Seattle Colleges and contains information every employee needs. This course may build on the information you have learned in other courses. The only exception to this is if you took the 2020 Title IX Regulations training with Vector Solutions at another institution.
Will I need to take this course every year?
Yes, this course will be offered annually. You are welcome to go back and access information in the course at any time.
What is the deadline for completing the course?
New employees must complete the course within 90 days of their hire date. Faculty will have different requirements, they can speak to their dean. Check with your CBA for specific completion requirements, if applicable.
Existing employees must complete the course within 30 days of their course assignment date. Faculty will have different requirements; they can speak to their dean, and faculty may complete the training on Development Days.
What happens if I don’t complete the course?
Supervisors may implement corrective action in accordance with the employee’s classification or job title. Non-compliance may be noted in performance or promotional reviews. An employee may become ineligible for opportunities that involve leadership, supervision of others, or other academic or work-related activities.
How do Full-Time Faculty get paid for this training?
Faculty should complete this training as part of their regular duties under non-instructional time.
How do Part-Time Faculty get paid for this training?
They can complete this training during the development day of that quarter.
What if I am a student employee?
Student employees are required to complete this training and should automatically be granted access to Vector Solutions. If you are having access issues, contact Vector Solutions @ success.getinclusive@vectorsolutions.com
Additional Title IX Training Request:
If you would like to request an in-person Title IX training for your team, please email the Compliance Office.
Please note this in-person training would be in addition to the annual Title IX training and not in lieu of the training requirement through Vector Solutions.
1. Title IX Administrators shall perform their duties free from bias or conflicts.
2. Title IX Administrators shall undergo training on the following topics:
- The definition of Sexual Harassment under these procedures,
- The scope of the Seattle Colleges’ educational programs and activities,
- How to conduct an investigation,
- How to serve impartially without prejudgment of facts, conflicts of interest, or bias,
- Use of technology used during an investigation or hearing,
- The relevance of evidence and questions, and
- Effective report writing.