Scheduling Appointments with Starfish
Starfish makes it easy to view office hours, schedule appointments, and find drop-in times for advising, financial aid, tutoring, and many other folks and services on campus. Please review the collection of videos. Hint: scheduling is pretty much the same throughout the system.
Scheduling Resources
- Video: Make an Appointment with your Advisor (2:12 mins)
- Video: Sign up for a Group Session or Workshop (1:07 mins)
- Video: Schedule with a Service (1:55 mins)
- Video: Make a Tutoring Appointment (3:36 mins)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What email will the appointment confirmations come from?
All appointment and scheduling confirmations will come from the email address Add this email to your contacts to ensure none go to junk or spam.
Where and how do I receive appointment confirmations?
Contact information in Starfish is automatically updated from the contact information students have in their ctcLink student account.
- Email: Students automatically receive emails and notifications sent through Starfish to both their Seattle Colleges and their preferred email address (as indicated in ctcLink).
- Text Messaging: Students will also receive messages about upcoming appointments and other critical items from student services via text message. Text messaging is one-way communication. Students cannot reply to the sender via text.
To opt out of receiving text messages through Starfish, reply STOP to the most recent text message or update your notification preferences in your Starfish Profile.

How do I schedule with my advisor if I don't have one in my connections?
Don’t worry if you don’t see an advisor in Your Connections. Advisors can work with all students. Simply find the advising office at your campus using the top search box or by scrolling to find it in your services (you can also click SHOW OTHER SERVICES to see ALL services) and schedule with the advisor who advises for your area of study or any other advisor. They can help get you connected with your academic advisor.