Free Summer Pre-College Classes
Graduating Class of 2024: this opportunity is for you.
Next summer, in partnership with the City of Seattle, incoming Fall 2024 Seattle Promise students (Class of 2024 Seattle public high school graduates who are taking part in Seattle Promise) are eligible to take their developmental/pre-college courses for FREE.
Tuition and fees are covered for any developmental classes you’re required to take. That includes any class with a course number starting with a “0” or zero.
Please schedule a meeting with your Retention Specialist if you have questions about registering for fall.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I know if I need a developmental class?
Complete your English and Math placement first. This will help you determine if you need to take a developmental class.
When you receive your recommended schedule at Readiness Academy, check for classes with course numbers that start with zero. For example: ABE 031, Math 098, ENGL 099, or MATH 081 (there are several class numbers that start with a zero). If the class number starts with a 0, you have a choice: take that class in the summer tuition-and-fee-free OR take the class in the fall tuition-free.
How much money would this save me?
- One 5-credit class (like MATH 098 or MATH 084) costs approx. $700 (tuition + fees).
- A 10-credit class (like ENGL099/101) costs approx. $1,200 (tuition + fees).
Why should I take this class in the summer? Doesn’t Seattle Promise cover my tuition starting in the fall?
Taking your developmental or prerequisite classes this summer will make best use of your Seattle Promise scholarship money and it will help you prepare to start strong fall quarter.
Most of the degrees at Seattle Colleges are 90 credits. Seattle Promise pays up to 90 credits of tuition costs. If you require developmental classes on top of your degree requirements, you will run out of scholarship benefit before you complete your degree.
Taking advantage of the free summer developmental classes will help ensure you have enough scholarship money to complete both your prerequisites and your college-level degree requirements. Using this summer option will not count against your 90 credit Seattle Promise limit. This is a special opportunity that is ONLY for the graduating class of 2024.
When are Summer Quarter classes?
Summer classes go from June 26-August 18.
What if I fail the class?
We'll support and connect you with resources, such as tutoring, to help you pass your summer classes. You are smart and capable - so we doubt you'll be in this situation BUT if you fail a summer class, we'll help you with next steps. Meet with your Seattle Promise Retention Specialist (college advisor) at the end of August to walk through the steps of what to do next.