Event Information and Updates

This page is your source for information about commencement ceremonies for our Seattle Colleges Class of 2025. 

Commencement 2025 will be held Friday, June 20, at Alaska Airlines Arena, University of Washington.

Details about Commencement 2025, including the schedule of events, are being finalized. We will notify eligible graduates when that information is confirmed.

This will be a shared, in-person ceremony for Seattle Colleges, bringing together North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and South Seattle College. All required health and safety protocols in effect at that time will be observed.



Attention: Graduates

Message Archives 2025

Messages sent to students and employees about Commencement 2025 are archived here for reference.

Save the Date: Friday, June 20, 2025 - Seattle Colleges Commencement, Alaska Airlines Arena, University of Washington,3870 Montlake Blvd. NE, Seattle

Dear soon-to-be graduates,

Congratulations. We are making plans to celebrate your academic achievements at Commencement 2025.

Commencement is scheduled for Friday, June 20 at the University of Washington's Alaska Airlines Arena. Save the date and invite your family and loved ones to join us. We are planning for two sessions: a late afternoon and an early evening. More details will be shared at a later date.

An invitation to participate in commencement is extended to students who:

  • Have graduated in Summer Quarter 2024, Fall Quarter 2024, or
  • Will graduate at the end of Winter Quarter 2025, Spring Quarter 2025 or Summer Quarter 2025

What to Expect

If you want a taste of what’s in store this year, watch the Commencement 2024 highlight video.

Check the Website for More Information

The commencement website will be updated regularly as additional details for this year’s ceremony become available. For information about applying for graduation, check your college’s graduation website (North, Central, South).

We look forward to seeing you in June.

Commencement Planning Committee

Save the Date: Friday, June 20, 2025 - Seattle Colleges Commencement, Alaska Airlines Arena, University of Washington,3870 Montlake Blvd. NE, Seattle

Dear Campus Community,

Commencement 2025 is scheduled for Friday, June 20 at the University of Washington's Alaska Airlines Arena.

The new location requires two sessions: one in the late afternoon and another in the early evening. More details will be shared at a later date.

An invitation to participate in commencement is extended to students who:

  • Have graduated in Summer Quarter 2024, Fall Quarter 2024, or
  • Will graduate at the end of Winter Quarter 2025, Spring Quarter 2025 or Summer Quarter 2025

What to Expect

If you want a taste of what’s in store this year, watch the Commencement 2024 highlight video.

Check the Website for More Information

The commencement website will be updated regularly as additional details for this year’s ceremony become available. For information about applying for graduation, check your college’s graduation website (North, Central, South).

We look forward to seeing you in June.

Commencement Planning Committee

Message Archives 2024

Messages sent to students and employees about Commencement 2024 are archived here for reference.

Dear Student, 

We are 5 days away from celebrating Commencement 2024 with you on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. Please review the information and reminders below as you prepare for commencement day. 


  • 3 p.m. - Graduates arrive, enter at the Right Field Gate, and pick up their Grad Pass; Guests enter at Home Plate Gate 
  • 4:30 p.m. - Graduates line up for the processional 
  • 5 p.m. - Ceremony begins with processional into stadium 
  • 8 p.m. - Ceremony concludes


Transportation and Parking 
Visit the Seattle Mariners transportation page for directions on how to get to T-Mobile Park via car, light rail, or bus. Parking options can also be found on this webpage. The fee to park at the Mariners Garage is $15 on June 21. 

Entering T-Mobile Park and Security Check 
Graduates will enter at the Right Field Gate, located at street-level along Edgar Martinez Drive. Gates open at 3 p.m. T-Mobile Park requires all graduates and guests to go through security and metal detectors before entering the stadium. Please read the Mariners Gate & Bag Policy FAQ for a full list of prohibited items, and please adhere to the stadium’s bag policy on June 21. Plan to arrive when gates open to ensure enough time to pass through security and get your Grad Pass before the ceremony begins. 

First Stop: Get Your Grad Pass 
You will need a physical Grad Pass card to walk across the stage at the commencement ceremony. As soon as you arrive at T-Mobile Park after security check, pick up your Grad Pass by entering a line with the first letter of your last name. Keep your Grad Pass card with you. You will be asked to scan your Grad Pass before you walk across the stage. 

As a backup, a link to your Grad Pass is below. We encourage you to download a copy of your Grad Pass to your phone. 
CLICK HERE TO VIEW YOUR GRADPASS (note: link goes to the individual student's Grad Pass account).

Concourse Map, Food, Restrooms, etc. 
A map of the student concourse at T-Mobile Park can be found below (also available to download). After you pick up your Grad Pass, you can enjoy the selfie station and take professional headshots. A concession stand will be open where you can purchase refreshments (credit/debit card only), as well as a charging station for your phone. Restrooms are available for your use on the concourse. You can also take the time to relax in Sections 111, 112, and 114 before lining up for the processional at 4:30 p.m.  

Map of the student concourse. Text: 1 - Get your Grad Pass, line up by the first letter of your last name. 2-No Grad Pass? Head to the "No Grad Pass" table. 3-Take time to prep. Cap and gown assistance. Photos. Concessions. 4-Relax in sections 111, 112, 114. 5-Line up. Listen for the "10 minutes to line up" announcement. When your school is called, follow the line leader.

Attire and Personal Items 

  • A cap and gown are required for all graduates. Caps, gowns, and tassels can still be purchased in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability. 
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Graduates will be walking and standing for extended periods of time. 
  • Heels are not recommended. Graduates will be walking on a warming track during the processional and up and down multiple sets of stairs during the ceremony. 
  • Personal storage is unavailable. Bring only small necessary items (phone, wallet, keys, small purse) to the ceremony. Review the Mariners Bag Policy.  
  • Concessions will not be accepting cash. Please bring credit/debit card payment if you choose to purchase snacks.


Cap and Gown Donations After the Ceremony 
Please consider donating your cap and gown to a future graduate. Donation bins will be available at T-Mobile Park near exits and elevators after the ceremony on June 21. 

Information for Guests 
We look forward to welcoming your loved ones to T-Mobile Park on June 21. Information for guests can be found on our website under Information for Guests

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony read our frequently asked questions or contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon. 

Commencement Planning Team

Dear Colleagues,  
If you are receiving this message, it is because you ordered rental regalia for Commencement 2024, set for Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. We look forward to seeing you soon and are grateful for your participation in the faculty and staff processional to start the ceremony.  
  • 2:30 p.m. – Chancellor’s Reception begins at First Base Terrace Club 
  • 3 p.m. Gates open for graduates and guests 
  • 4 p.m. Faculty and staff get robed and ready in the Diamond Club 
  • 4:30 p.m. Faculty and staff line up for processional 
  • 5 p.m. Ceremony begins with processional into stadium 
  • 8 p.m. – Ceremony concludes 
Entering T-Mobile Park 
Faculty and staff participating in the processional will enter at the Third Base Entry, accessible via street level along First Avenue. You can park in the Mariners Garage, accessible via the North entrance off Edgar Martinez Drive. From the garage, take the elevator to the 2nd floor for street level access, then cross Edgar Martinez Drive towards the Ken Griffey Jr. statue and Homeplate Gates. There will be signs outside the Third Base Entry pointing the way towards the volunteer entrance.  
All faculty, staff, and volunteers are required to go through a security screening. Upon entry, you will be directed down a flight of stairs with easy access to the Diamond Club. 
If you are bringing your own regalia, you can leave it in the designated robing area in the Diamond Club until you are ready to dress for the processional. If you ordered rental regalia, the regalia will be ready for you by 4 p.m. in the Diamond Club.  
After the ceremony, please fold and place your rental regalia items into the bag that will be provided and return it to one of the volunteer staff in the robing area. *This is a critical step, as we are charged additionally for items that are not returned. 
We encourage you to take public transportation to get to T-Mobile Park on June 21. If you plan on driving, please show the attached parking pass to the parking attendant on June 21 for complimentary parking in the Mariners Garage. 
If you have any questions regarding Commencement, consult the Information for Faculty & Staff webpage or email commencement@seattlecolleges.edu.  
Commencement Planning Team 

Dear Colleagues,   
We are just a few days away from celebrating Commencement 2024 on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park.  
We hope you are able to attend and join us in honoring the Class of 2024 and celebrating their accomplishments. Visit the Information for Faculty and Staff page for the commencement schedule and transportation and parking information.   
YouTube video image.  Blue screen with text: Get Ready to Celebrate (with closed captions).  Watch on YouTube.
Participating in the Cheer Squad 
It’s not too late to participate in the Cheer Squad! If you have not signed up to volunteer and would like to be part of the Cheer Squad, email commencement@seattlecolleges.edu
Attend and Stay for the After Party 
This year, all Seattle Colleges employees are invited to an After Party on the Trident Deck of T-Mobile Park from 8-10 p.m. following the ceremony. Light bites and refreshments will be served. Kick up your feet and celebrate the end of the academic year and the accomplishments of the Class of 2024 with your colleagues!  
Participating in the Processional  
Faculty and staff who plan on wearing regalia and participating in the processional should change into their robes before the ceremony between 4 and 4:30 p.m. in the Diamond Club, the designated robing room and preparation space. You will receive a separate email with instructions on how to enter T-Mobile Park to access the Diamond Club.  
Restrooms are available in the Diamond Club. Line-up for the procession begins at 4:30, and the ceremony starts at 5 p.m.  
Rental Regalia  
If you ordered rental regalia, your regalia items will be available in the Diamond Club at 4 p.m. Volunteers will prepare all rental regalia earlier that day to make sure items are steamed and looking their best. After the ceremony, please fold and place your regalia items into the bag provided and return it to one of the volunteer staff in the robing area. 
Bringing Your Own Regalia  
Faculty and staff are welcome to bring their own robes and regalia to participate in the processional. You can bring your regalia to the designated robing area in the Diamond Club anytime on June 21. Please email commencement@seattlecolleges.edu with your first and last name so we can add you to the security list and send you instructions on how to enter T-Mobile Park.  
Note: if you ordered rental regalia or are in the stage party, you are already on the security list.  
If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu.  
We look forward to celebrating with you soon.  
Commencement Planning Team 

Dear Student,

We are nearly one week away from celebrating Commencement 2024 with you on Friday, June 21. Please review the information and reminders below as you prepare for commencement day.

What to Expect on Commencement Day  
Watch the video below for a glimpse of what to expect when you arrive at T-Mobile Park.


  • 3 p.m. - Graduates arrive, enter at the Right Field Gate, and pick up their Grad Pass; Guests enter at Home Plate Gate
  • 4:30 p.m. - Graduates line up for the processional
  • 5 p.m. - Ceremony begins with processional into stadium
  • 8 p.m. - Ceremony concludes

Transportation and Parking  
Visit the Seattle Mariners transportation page for directions on how to get to T-Mobile Park via car, light rail, or bus. Parking options can also be found on this webpage. The fee to park at the Mariners Garage is $15 on June 21.

Entering T-Mobile Park and Security Check  
Graduates will enter at the Right Field Gate, located at street-level along Edgar Martinez Drive. Gates open at 3 p.m. T-Mobile Park requires all graduates and guests to go through security and metal detectors before entering the stadium. Please read the Mariners Gate & Bag Policy FAQ for a full list of prohibited items, and please adhere to the stadium’s bag policy on June 21. Plan to arrive when gates open to ensure enough time to pass through security and get your Grad Pass before the ceremony begins.

First Stop: Get Your Grad Pass  
You will need a physical Grad Pass card to walk across the stage at the commencement ceremony. As soon as you arrive at T-Mobile Park after security check, pick up your Grad Pass by entering a line with the first letter of your last name. Keep your Grad Pass card with you. You will be asked to scan your Grad Pass before you walk across the stage.

As a backup, a link to your Grad Pass is below. We encourage you to download a copy of your Grad Pass to your phone: CLICK HERE TO VIEW YOUR GRADPASS (note: link in email goes to student's individual Grad Pass).

Concourse Map, Food, Restrooms, etc.  
A map of the student concourse at T-Mobile Park can be found below, also available for download (PDF). After you pick up your Grad Pass, you can enjoy the selfie station and take professional headshots. A concession stand will be open where you can purchase refreshments (credit/debit card only), as well as a charging station for your phone. Restrooms are available for your use on the concourse. You can also take the time to relax in Sections 111, 112, and 114 before lining up for the processional at 4:30 p.m.

T-Mobile Park Concourse Grad Area Map

Attire and Personal Items

  • A cap and gown are required for all graduates. Caps, gowns, and tassels can still be purchased in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Graduates will be walking and standing for extended periods of time.
  • Heels are not recommended. Graduates will be walking on a warming track during the processional and up and down multiple sets of stairs during the ceremony.
  • Personal storage is unavailable. Bring only small necessary items (phone, wallet, keys, small purse) to the ceremony. Review the Mariners Bag Policy.
  • Concessions will not be accepting cash. Please bring credit/debit card payment if you choose to purchase snacks.

Cap and Gown Donations After the Ceremony  
Please consider donating your cap and gown to a future graduate. Donation bins will be available at T-Mobile Park near exits and elevators after the ceremony on June 21.

Information for Guests  
We look forward to welcoming your loved ones to T-Mobile Park on June 21. Information for guests can be found on our website under Information for Guests.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony read our frequently asked questions or contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear Student,

Seattle Colleges Commencement 2024 is less than 3 weeks away! We look forward to seeing you on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park and celebrating your success with your family, friends, faculty and staff from Seattle Colleges.

Last Day to Place an Online Order for Your Cap & Gown: Friday, June 7
A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. If you are planning to order your cap and gown online, you must place an order through your college bookstore by end of day on Friday, June 7 to guarantee delivery before the June 21 ceremony. Visit the order cap and gown webpage to place an order now.

You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia items in-person at your college bookstore up until June 21 on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.

Borrow a Cap and Gown
A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels may still be available through the Cap and Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown webpage and complete the form indicated for your college.

National Anthem Performer
The Commencement Planning Committee is looking for a student or group of students to perform the national anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) and Black national anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing) at Commencement 2024. More information and submission instructions can be found on the national anthem webpage.

Submit a video recording singing/performing The Star Spangled Banner and/or Lift Every Voice and Sing in its entirety by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 7 to commencement@seattlecolleges.edu.

Along with your video, you must answer the following questions:

  • Have you performed this song before?
  • Have you performed in front of large audiences?  If so, how large?
  • Will you be singing acapella or with a background track?
  • If you are playing an instrument, what are your microphone needs?
  • Are you available to practice on Tuesday, June 18 at 11 a.m. at T-Mobile Park? This practice is only for the performer(s), not for all graduates.
  • Are you available to attend soundcheck on Commencement Day on Friday, June 21 at 2 p.m. at T-Mobile Park?

Selection Deadline
Selected student or students will be informed on Tuesday, June 11.

Invite Your Family, Friends, and Faculty
Invite your family, friends, and favorite faculty to attend Commencement 2024 by forwarding the invitation below. This is a special day; we encourage you to share it with those who have supported your education and give your loved ones an opportunity to cheer on your accomplishments! Additional information, including parking details and the Mariner’s bag policy for guests, can be found on our website under Information for Guests.

Please join me in celebrating my graduation from Seattle Colleges. Friday, June 21, 2024. 5 p.m. (3 p.m. doors open) T-Mobile Park, 1250 1st Avenue S. Seattle. Class of 2024 with Seattle Colleges commencement seal.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, check the Commencement website or contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear Student,

Commencement 2024 on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park is just around the corner! Here are a few opportunities and reminders with details below.

  • National Anthem auditions are open. Submit your entry by June 7.
  • Reminder to register to participate in the commencement ceremony. Deadline is May 27.

National Anthem Auditions 
Are you interested in performing the National Anthem during the commencement ceremony? The Commencement Planning Committee is looking for a student or group of students to perform the national anthem (The Star Spangled Banner) and Black national anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing) at Commencement 2024. 

Submit a video recording singing/performing The Star Spangled Banner and/or Lift Every Voice and Sing in its entirety by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 7 to commencement@seattlecolleges.edu
Along with your video, you must answer the following questions:  

  • Have you performed this song before?
  • Have you performed in front of large audiences?  If so, how large?
  • Will you be singing acapella or with a background track?
  • If you are playing an instrument, what are your microphone needs?
  • Are you available to practice on Tuesday, June 18 at 11 a.m. at T-Mobile Park? This practice is only for the performer(s), not for all graduates.
  • Are you available to attend soundcheck on Commencement Day on Friday, June 21 at 2 p.m. at T-Mobile Park

Selection Process  
Submissions will be reviewed by the Commencement National Anthem Subcommittee, comprised of staff and faculty planning Commencement 2024.  

A performer or group of performers for each song will be chosen based on the following criteria.

  • Performance: stage presence and connection
  • Quality: vocal/instrumental sound, diction, and rhythmic interpretation
  • Experience: ease of performance and comfort in a large setting/audience

Selection Deadline 
Selected student or students will be informed on Tuesday, June 11. 

Reminder to Register for Seattle Colleges Commencement 2024  
Online registration for commencement closes on Monday, May 27 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. If you have not yet registered and plan to participate in commencement, follow the instructions below to ensure your name is pronounced correctly as you cross the stage.  

  1. Create your password: Set Password Here [unique student account link, check email for actual link] 
    Note: The password link above is unique to your account. Do not forward to others.
  2. Log in and complete the registration process. 
  3. Check your email (check all inboxes including spam) for your registration confirmation. 
  4. You may return to the registration site anytime by visiting https://seattlecolleges.marchingorder.com and using this email address: [email address provided by student to Marching Order]. 

*Note: You may still participate in the ceremony if you miss the May 27 deadline. However, your name will not be pre-recorded and may not be pronounced correctly.  

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you next month.  

Commencement Planning Team 

Dear Student,

We are five weeks away from Commencement 2024 on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. Read below for important instructions regarding your commencement ceremony.

Register for Seattle Colleges Commencement 2024  
Online registration for commencement closes on Monday, May 27 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. If you have not yet registered and plan to participate in commencement, follow the instructions below to ensure your name is pronounced correctly as you cross the stage.

  1. Create your password: Set Password Here [unique student account link, check email for actual link] 
    Note: The password link above is unique to your account. Do not forward to others.
  2. Log in and complete the registration process.
  3. Check your email (check all inboxes including spam) for your registration confirmation.
  4. You may return to the registration site anytime by visiting https://seattlecolleges.marchingorder.com and using this email address: [email address provided by student to Marching Order]. 
    *Note: You may still participate in the ceremony if you miss the May 27 deadline. However, your name will not be pre-recorded and may not be pronounced correctly.

Order a Cap and Gown 
A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, tassels, and regalia items for students can be purchased in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. For details, visit the order cap and gown web page. 

You can also place an order online through your college bookstore. Order by Friday, June 7 to guarantee delivery before the June 21 ceremony. 

2024 Prices

  • Grad Set (includes cap, gown, and tassel): $40
  • Cap only: $7
  • Gown only: $30
  • Stole: $27-$35
  • Gold honors cord*: $14
  • Tassel: $5

*Gold academic honors cords are available to students who meet the honors GPA requirement.

Borrow a Cap and Gown 
A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown webpage and complete the form indicated for your college. Details about where and when to pick up your cap and gown will come from follow-up emails.

If you have any questions, check the Commencement website for regular updates, or email commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you next month.

Commencement Planning Committee

Dear Colleagues,

Commencement 2024 is just six weeks away on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. Help us celebrate and make it a memorable day for the Class of 2024 by signing up to volunteer.

Watch "Volunteer for Commencement" on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NtZzvknmbaE?si=mU1tVXtmw_m7VXdL

Sign Up Now to Volunteer 
We are looking for 100 volunteers to serve in various roles throughout the day. Serving as a volunteer makes this event possible and reminds graduates of the community that supported them along the way.

If you are interested in volunteering, please follow these steps:

  1. Discuss your plans with your supervisor.
  2. Sign up using the Commencement Volunteer Form. You can indicate your availability and interest on the form.

What to Expect 
After you complete the volunteer form, expect an email in the coming weeks with more information. On June 21, plan for a good time. Gather with your colleagues to help prepare a memorable commencement celebration for the Class of 2024. There will be periods of activity and rest throughout the day. Food and beverages will be provided for all volunteers. Look out for more tips and information soon. For now, sign up to join us at T-Mobile Park and plan to wear comfortable shoes on June 21.

Join the Cheer Squad 
We want each graduate from the first to the last to feel celebrated. The volunteer Cheer Squad will be returning once again for 2024. Volunteers (students, staff, and faculty) interested in participating will have assigned seats near the front row of the bleachers and will cheer for and applaud every graduate who crosses the stage. Pom poms and noise makers, and an official Cheer Squad t-shirt will be provided.

After Party on the Trident Deck 
This year, all Seattle Colleges employees are invited to an After Party on the Trident Deck of T-Mobile Park from 8-10 p.m. following the ceremony and clean-up. Stay for the After Party and continue to enjoy the good vibes of a great day. More details to come soon.

Reminder to Order Your Rental Regalia 
If you plan to participate in the faculty and staff processional that kicks off our commencement ceremony, make sure to complete the academic regalia order request form by Monday, May 13 at 5 p.m.

Academic regalia is required for those who participate in the commencement processional. Seattle Colleges covers the rental cost of regalia for faculty and staff participating in the processional and ceremony. Faculty and staff are also welcome to wear their own regalia.

Please place an order only if you are firmly committed. The ordered rental gowns and regalia items will be available on the day of the ceremony in the Diamond Club, the designated preparation space for faculty, staff, and volunteers. Once the ceremony is over, please return your rented items to the Diamond Club.

We look forward to seeing you in June.

Commencement Planning Committee

Dear Graduating Students,

Now that Spring Quarter is underway, it’s time to think about graduation.

If you intend to graduate and participate in Commencement 2024 on June 21 at T-Mobile Park, we invite you to watch the following how-to video and refer to the checklist below for important information.


  1. Apply for graduation at your college by Monday, May 13 to ensure your name is printed in the commencement program. Refer to your college’s graduation website (linked below) for information about applying for graduation. If you have questions, contact your advisor.
  2. Register for Commencement 2024. Keep an eye out for an email from commencement@seattlecolleges.edu today (May 7) with the link to register for Commencement 2024. The commencement registration process allows you to record your name to ensure it is pronounced correctly during the ceremony. It also allows you to leave a quote about your experience at Seattle Colleges. Once you register, you will activate your GradPass, which is required to cross the stage on June 21. 
  3. Invite your friends and family to attend Seattle Colleges Commencement 2024 on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. Please share this graphic (below) with those that you’d like to invite. There are no tickets required for commencement. We have plenty of space for your supporters to come and enjoy the ceremony with you. 
     Please join me in celebrating my graduation from Seattle Colleges. Friday, June 21, 2024. 5 p.m. (3 p.m. doors open) T-Mobile Park, 1250 1st Avenue S. Seattle. Class of 2024 with Seattle Colleges commencement seal.
  4. Check the Seattle Colleges Commencement website on a regular basis for updates and more information. Have a question? Start with our website to find the latest information all in one place.

We are looking forward to celebrating with you.

Commencement Planning Team


Now is the time to order your rental regalia for Seattle Colleges’ Commencement on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. Everyone is invited to come celebrate our 2024 graduates.

Ordering Regalia

Academic regalia is required if you plan to participate in the commencement processional. Seattle Colleges covers the rental cost of regalia for faculty and staff participating in the processional and ceremony. Faculty and staff are also welcome to wear their own regalia.

Please place an order when you are firmly committed. (Unused regalia is an expense the committee is trying to lower and eventually eliminate.)

To order, complete the request formby Monday, May 13 at 5 p.m. The regalia vendor needs five weeks to complete the order.

Rental gowns and other regalia items will be available on the day of the ceremony at T-Mobile Park in the Diamond Club, the designated preparation space for faculty and staff.

Plan to change into regalia before the ceremony begins at 5 p.m. Once the ceremony is over, please return rental regalia to the Diamond Club.

Other Opportunities to Participate

We also encourage you to volunteer, attend the Chancellor’s reception, and mingle and share your congratulations with our graduates on the concourse as they wait to line up for the processional from 3-4:30 p.m. More information about the opportunities to celebrate graduates will be shared soon.

For more information and announcements, check the Commencement website. Thank you for your participation this year.

Commencement Planning Team

Attention: Graduating Students,

Congratulations! We are excited to host the 2024 Seattle Colleges Commencement Ceremony on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park and celebrate with you, your family, and friends. Following are key dates and important information to help you prepare.

Apply for Graduation

Graduation is the official process of earning a degree or certificate. When you apply to graduate, staff in the Registrar’s Office at your college check to certify that all program requirements have been satisfied.

To ensure your name is in the printed commencement program, apply for graduation at your college by Monday, May 13. Visit your college’s graduation website for more information.

Plan to Attend the Commencement Ceremony

Commencement is the annual event that celebrates our graduates’ accomplishments. Seattle Colleges’ commencement ceremony for the Class of 2024 will be held on Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. This is a shared, in-person ceremony bringing together North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and South Seattle College.

An invitation to participate in commencement is extended to students who:

  • Have graduated in Summer Quarter 2023, Fall Quarter 2023, or Winter Quarter 2024, or
  • Will graduate at the end of Spring Quarter 2024 or Summer Quarter 2024.

Apply to be a Commencement Student Speaker

The student speaker is a highlight of the ceremony. If you are graduating and want to share your experience with thousands of graduates and their families, apply to be this year’s Commencement Student Speaker. One graduate is selected from each of the Seattle Colleges (North, Central, and South).

To apply you must:

  • Complete a BAS, AA, AS, AAS, or certificate.
  • Apply for graduation and complete all necessary credits by the end of the spring quarter.
  • Have a minimum 2.5 GPA or higher.
  • Take part in a first-round interview.
  • Be willing to commit to practicing your speech with our communications team, recording your speech on camera in May, and attending and participating in our Commencement event in June.

Applications are due by Friday, April 12. More information can be found on the Commencement website.

Invite Your Family & Friends

You can use the following invitation to invite your family & friends to join us at T-Mobile Park on Friday, June 21.

Seattle Colleges does not use a ticketing system for guests. There is no limit on the number of guests a graduate may bring to T-Mobile Park.

Seattle Colleges logo with text: Please join me in celebrating my graduation for Seattle Colleges. Friday, June 21, 2024, 5 p.m. (3 p.m. doors open), Guests enter at Home Plate Gate, T-Mobile Park, 1250 1st Avenue S., Seattle

Visit the Website

More information about all things related to commencement is available at seattlecolleges.edu/commencement.

We look forward to celebrating with you in June.

Commencement Planning Committee

Text: Save the Date: Friday, June 21, 2024. Seattle Colleges Commencement. 5 p.m. T-Mobile Park, 1250 1st Ave. S., SeattleDear soon-to-be graduates,

Congratulations on heading into the homestretch of completing your degree or credential at Seattle Colleges. Planning is already underway to celebrate your accomplishments. Save the date and share the news with your families and loved ones.

Commencement 2024 is scheduled for Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park.

An invitation to participate in commencement is extended to students who:

  • Have graduated in Summer Quarter 2023, Fall Quarter 2023, or
  • Will graduate at the end of Winter Quarter 2024, Spring Quarter 2024, or Summer Quarter 2024

Here’s the Tentative Schedule

  • 3 p.m. - Doors open for students and guests
  • 4:30 p.m. - Graduates line up for processional
  • 5 p.m. - Ceremony begins
  • 7:15 p.m. - Ceremony concludes

No Tickets Needed to Attend 
Seattle Colleges does not use a ticketing system for our guests. There is no limit to the number of family and friends a graduate may bring. Guests may enter through Home Plate Gate beginning at 3 p.m. and will be directed to the Family and Friends section of the bleachers.

What to Expect 
We can’t wait to join together with graduates from all three Seattle Colleges – North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and South Seattle College – in a few short months.

If you want a taste of what’s in store this year, watch the Commencement 2023 highlight video.

Check the Website for More Information 
The commencement website will be updated regularly as additional details for this year’s ceremony become available. For information about applying for graduation, check your college’s graduation website (North, Central, South) and refer to our Graduation and Commencement Overview webpage.

We look forward to seeing you in June.

Commencement Planning Committee

Text: Save the Date: Friday, June 21, 2024. Seattle Colleges Commencement. 5 p.m. T-Mobile Park, 1250 1st Ave. S., SeattleDear Campus Community,

Commencement 2024 is Friday, June 21 at T-Mobile Park. Please join us as we celebrate our students with their families and loved ones. (If you want a taste of what’s in store this year, watch the Commencement 2023 highlight video.)

Here’s the Tentative Schedule

  • 3 p.m. - Doors open for students and guests
  • 4:30 p.m. - Graduates line up for processional
  • 5 p.m. - Ceremony begins
  • 7:15 p.m. - Ceremony concludes

Check the Website for More Information  
The commencement website will be updated regularly as additional details for this year’s ceremony become available. For information about applying for graduation, check your college’s graduation website (North, Central, South) and refer to our Graduation and Commencement Overview webpage.

Relive the Experience

We look forward to seeing you in June.

Commencement Planning Committee


Message Archives 2023

Messages sent to students and employees about Commencement 2023 are archived here for reference.

Dear <student's first name>,

We are two days away from celebrating Commencement 2023 with you on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. Please review the information and reminders below as you prepare for commencement day.


  • 3:00 p.m. - Graduates arrive, enter at the Right Field Gate, and pick up their Grad Pass; Guests enter at Home Plate Gate
  • 4:30 p.m. - Graduates line up for the processional
  • 5:00 p.m. - Ceremony begins with processional into stadium
  • 7:15 p.m. - Ceremony concludes

Transportation and Parking

Visit the Seattle Mariners transportation page for directions on how to get to T-Mobile Park via car, light rail, or bus. Parking options can also be found on this webpage. The fee to park at the Mariners Garage is $15 on June 22.

Entering T-Mobile Park and Security Check

Graduates will enter at the Right Field Gate, located at street-level along Edgar Martinez Drive. Gates open at 3 p.m. T-Mobile Park requires all graduates and guests to go through security and metal detectors before entering the stadium. Please read the Mariner’s Gate & Bag Policy FAQ for a full list of prohibited items, and please adhere to the stadium’s bag policy on June 22. Plan to arrive when gates open to ensure enough time to pass through security and get your Grad Pass.

First Stop: Get Your Grad Pass

You will need a physical Grad Pass card to walk across the stage at the commencement ceremony. As soon as you arrive at T-Mobile Park after security check, pick up your Grad Pass by entering a line with the first letter of your last name. Keep your Grad Pass card with you. You will be asked to scan your Grad Pass before you walk across the stage.

As a backup, a link to your Grad Pass is below. We encourage you to download a copy of your Grad Pass to your phone. [UNIQUE LINK FOR EACH STUDENT TO VIEW THEIR GRAD PASS]

What to Expect on June 22

A map of the Student Concourse at T-Mobile Park can be found below. After you pick up your Grad Pass, you can enjoy the selfie station and take professional headshots. There will be a snack cart where you can purchase refreshments (credit/debit card only), as well as a charging station for your phone. Restrooms are available for your use on the Concourse. You can also take the time to relax in Sections 110-112 before lining up for the processional at 4:30 p.m. PDF of Concourse Map

 Map of Concourse Student Area with text: After you enter, do this: 1) Get your Grad Pass. Line up by the first letter of your last name. 2. No Grad Pass? Head to the register table. 3. Take time to prep. 4. Relax in sections 110-112 until line up time. 5 Line up: listen for the 10 minutes to line up announcement.


Attire and Personal Items

  • A cap and gown are required for all graduates. Caps, gowns, and tassels can still be purchased in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Graduates will be walking and standing for extended periods of time.
  • Heels are not recommended. Graduates will be walking on a warming track during the processional and up and down multiple sets of stairs during the ceremony.
  • Personal storage is unavailable. Bring only small necessary items (phone, wallet, keys, small purse) to the ceremony. Review the Mariner’s Bag Policy.
  • Concessions will not be accepting cash. Please bring credit/debit card payment if you choose to purchase snacks.

Cap and Gown Donations After the Ceremony

Please consider donating your cap and gown to a future graduate. Donation bins will be available at T-Mobile Park near exits and elevators after the ceremony on June 22.

Information for Guests

We look forward to welcoming your loved ones to T-Mobile Park on June 22. Information for guests can be found on our website under Information for Guests.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear <student's first name>,

We are one week away from celebrating Commencement 2023 with you on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. Please review the information and reminders below as you prepare for commencement day.


  • 3:00 p.m. - Graduates arrive, enter at the Right Field Gate, and pick up their Grad Pass; Guests enter at Home Plate Gate
  • 4:30 p.m. - Graduates line up for the processional
  • 5:00 p.m. - Ceremony begins with processional into stadium
  • 7:15 p.m. - Ceremony concludes

Transportation and Parking

Visit the Seattle Mariners transportation page for directions on how to get to T-Mobile Park via car, light rail, or bus. Parking options can also be found on this webpage. The fee to park at the Mariners Garage is $15 on June 22.

Entering T-Mobile Park and Security Check

Graduates will enter at the Right Field Gate, located at street-level along Edgar Martinez Drive. Gates open at 3 p.m. T-Mobile Park requires all graduates and guests to go through security and metal detectors before entering the stadium. Please read the Mariner’s Gate & Bag Policy FAQ for a full list of prohibited items, and please adhere to the stadium’s bag policy on June 22. Plan to arrive when gates open to ensure enough time to pass through security and get your Grad Pass.

First Stop: Get Your Grad Pass

You will need a physical Grad Pass card to walk across the stage at the commencement ceremony. As soon as you arrive at T-Mobile Park after security check, pick up your Grad Pass by entering a line with the first letter of your last name. Keep your Grad Pass card with you. You will be asked to scan your Grad Pass before you walk across the stage.

As a backup, a link to your Grad Pass is below. We encourage you to download a copy of your Grad Pass to your phone. [UNIQUE LINK FOR EACH STUDENT TO VIEW THEIR GRAD PASS]

What to Expect on June 22

A map of the Student Concourse at T-Mobile Park can be found below. After you pick up your Grad Pass, you can enjoy the selfie station and take professional headshots. There will be a snack cart where you can purchase refreshments (credit/debit card only), as well as a charging station for your phone. Restrooms are available for your use on the Concourse. You can also take the time to relax in Sections 110-112 before lining up for the processional at 4:30 p.m. PDF of Concourse Map

 Map of Concourse Student Area with text: After you enter, do this: 1) Get your Grad Pass. Line up by the first letter of your last name. 2. No Grad Pass? Head to the register table. 3. Take time to prep. 4. Relax in sections 110-112 until line up time. 5 Line up: listen for the 10 minutes to line up announcement.


Attire and Personal Items

  • A cap and gown are required for all graduates. Caps, gowns, and tassels can still be purchased in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Graduates will be walking and standing for extended periods of time.
  • Heels are not recommended. Graduates will be walking on a warming track during the processional and up and down multiple sets of stairs during the ceremony.
  • Personal storage is unavailable. Bring only small necessary items (phone, wallet, keys, small purse) to the ceremony. Review the Mariner’s Bag Policy.
  • Concessions will not be accepting cash. Please bring credit/debit card payment if you choose to purchase snacks.

Cap and Gown Donations After the Ceremony

Please consider donating your cap and gown to a future graduate. Donation bins will be available at T-Mobile Park near exits and elevators after the ceremony on June 22.

Information for Guests

We look forward to welcoming your loved ones to T-Mobile Park on June 22. Information for guests can be found on our website under Information for Guests.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear <student's first name>,

Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023 is only 2 weeks away! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park and celebrating your success with your family, friends, faculty and staff from Seattle Colleges.

Last Day to Place an Online Order for Your Cap & Gown A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. If you are planning to order your cap and gown online, you must place an order through your college bookstore by end of day TODAY, Friday, June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony. Visit the order cap and gown webpage to place an order now.

Purchase Your Cap & Gown In-Person You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia items in-person at your college bookstore up until June 22 on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.

Borrow a Cap and Gown A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Cap and Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown webpage and complete the form indicated for your college.

Cap and Gown Donations After the Ceremony Please consider donating your cap and gown to a future graduate. Donation bins will be available at T-Mobile Park near exits and elevators after the ceremony on June 22.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon. Commencement Planning Team

Dear <student's first name>,

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and commencement celebration on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park.

Invite Your Family, Friends, and Faculty to Commencement 2023
Invite your family, friends, and favorite faculty to attend Commencement 2023 by forwarding the invitation below. This is a special day, we encourage you to share it with those who have supported your education and give your loved ones an opportunity to cheer on your accomplishments! Additional information, including parking details and the Mariner’s bag policy for guests, can be found on our website under Information for Guests.

Seattle Colleges logo with North, Central, South and text: Please join me in celebrating my graduation from Seattle Colleges. Thursday, June 22, 5 p.m. (doors open at 3 p.m.), at T-Mobile Park, 1250 1st Ave. S, Seattle

Order Your Cap and Gown
A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, tassels, and regalia items for students can be ordered online  through your college bookstore. Order online by June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony.  You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.

Borrow a Cap and Gown
A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Cap and Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown web page and complete the form indicated for your college. Information about where and when to pick up your cap and gown will come from follow-up emails.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you soon.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear <student's name>, Congratulations on your upcoming graduation and commencement celebration with family and friends on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. This message contains important information about ordering your cap and gown and auditions for a national anthem student performer for Commencement 2023.Order Your Cap and Gown A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, tassels, and regalia items for students can now be ordered online through your college bookstore. Order online by June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony.  You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South. Check your college bookstore website for hours and availability.Borrow a Cap and Gown A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Cap and Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown web page and complete the form indicated for your college. Details about where and when to pick up your cap and gown will come from follow-up emails.National Anthem Performer for Commencement 2023 The Commencement Planning Committee is looking to identify a student or group of students to perform the national anthem at Commencement 2023.Requirements Submit the following items by June 6 to: commencement@seattlecolleges.edu 

  1. Availability to attend practice on June 20 at 10 a.m. and a soundcheck on June 22 at 2 p.m. at T-Mobile Park.  
  2. Video recording of student(s) singing/performing the national anthem in its entirety. 
  3. Answer the following questions 
  • Have you performed the national anthem before?
  • Have you performed in front of large audiences?  If so, how large?
  • Will you be singing acapella or with a background track?
  • If you are playing an instrument, what are your microphone needs? 

Selection Process Submissions will be reviewed by the Commencement National Anthem Subcommittee, comprised of staff and faculty planning Commencement 2023. A performer will be chosen based on the following criteria.

  1. Performance: stage presence and connection 
  2. Quality: vocal/instrumental sound, diction, and rhythmic interpretation 
  3. Experience: ease of performance and comfort in a large setting/audience 

Selection Deadline  Selected student or students will be informed on Tuesday, June 13. If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you next month. Commencement Planning Team

Dear <name of student>, Only two days remain to register and participate in Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023 on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. Join us in celebrating your success with your family, friends, faculty, and staff from Seattle Colleges.Online registration for commencement closes on Saturday, May 27 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. Register now if you plan to participate in commencement and ensure your name is pronounced correctly as you cross the stage.

Register for 2023 Commencement Ceremony

  1. Create your password: Set Password Here <links to unique, secure web address>
    Note: The password link above is unique to your account, do not forward to others.
  2. Log in and complete the registration process.
  3. Check your email (check all inboxes including spam) for your registration confirmation.
  4. You may return to the site anytime by going to https://seattlecolleges.marchingorder.com and using this email address: <student's email address>

Order a Cap and Gown
A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, tassels, and regalia items for students can now be ordered online through your college bookstore. Order by June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony. You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South after May 26. For details, visit the order cap and gown web page.Borrow a Cap and Gown A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown webpage and complete the form indicated for your college. Details about where and when to pick up your cap and gown will come from follow-up emails.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you next month.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear Colleagues, 

Commencement 2023 is just four weeks away on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer at commencement.

We need 25 more volunteers to make this event a success! You can sign up here to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2023.

What to Expect
After you complete the volunteer form, expect an email in the coming weeks with more information and an invite to a Zoom training session. The sessions will help all of us prepare and offer an opportunity to ask questions before commencement day.

On June 22 (commencement day), expect periods of activity as well as some rest throughout the day. Food and beverage, including an ice cream bar, will be provided for volunteers. We’ll provide more tips and information later.

Join the Cheer Squad
We want each graduate from the first to the last to feel celebrated. So, this year, we are introducing a Cheer Squad. Volunteers (students, staff, and faculty) interested in participating will have assigned seats close to the stage and will cheer for and applaud every graduate. Appropriate cheering props and attire will be provided.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to come together and celebrate our graduates.

Commencement Planning Team


What 2023 Grads Say They Will Remember 

“I’ll remember the friendships I’ve formed, the teachers turned mentors, and the diversity of the student body that has enhanced my perspective of the world.” Monica A. 

“I will remember the great teachers and support I had while achieving my degree. I was continuously encouraged and supported and will not forget the people who helped me. I decided to continue my education at thirty-one and I was never made to feel like I was too old or it was too late.” Beth C. 

“I'll always be very grateful for the great opportunities that Seattle Colleges gave me for professional and personal growth as a student. The dedication and kindness of all faculty and staff make me proud of this institution.” Alessandra S. 

Dear <name of student>, Congratulations on your upcoming graduation! We hope you are planning to participate in Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023 on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. Please feel free to invite your family and friends to join us in celebrating your accomplishments. To register for commencement, follow the instructions below.Online registration for commencement closes on Saturday, May 27 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. Register now if you plan to participate in commencement and ensure your name is pronounced correctly as you cross the stage.

Register for 2023 Commencement Ceremony

  1. Create your password: Set Password Here <links to unique, secure web address>
    Note: The password link above is unique to your account, do not forward to others.
  2. Log in and complete the registration process.
  3. Check your email (check all inboxes including spam) for your registration confirmation.
  4. You may return to the site anytime by going to https://seattlecolleges.marchingorder.com and using this email address: <student's email address>

Order Your Cap and Gown
A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, tassels, and regalia items for students can now be ordered online through your college bookstore. Order by June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony. You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South after May 26. For details, visit the order cap and gown web page.Borrow a Cap and Gown A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown webpage and complete the form indicated for your college. Details about where and when to pick up your cap and gown will come from follow-up emails.

If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu. We look forward to celebrating with you next month.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear <name of student>, It's time to order your cap and gown if you are planning to participate in Seattle Colleges Commencement on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. Order a Cap and Gown A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, tassels, and regalia items for students can now be ordered online through your college bookstore. Order by June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony.  You can also purchase your cap, gown, and regalia in-person at your college bookstore on campus at North, Central, or South after May 26. For details, visit the order cap and gown web page.Borrow a Cap and Gown A limited number of caps, gowns, and tassels are available through the Gown Loan Program. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. For details, visit the order cap and gown webpage and complete the form indicated for your college. Details about where and when to pick up your cap and gown will come from follow-up emails. Don't Forget to Register for Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023 (if you haven't already) Online registration for commencement closes on Saturday, May 27 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. Register now if you plan to participate in commencement and ensure your name is pronounced correctly as you cross the stage.

  1. Create your password: Set Password Here <links to unique, secure web address>
    Note: The password link above is unique to your account, do not forward to others.
  2. Log in and complete the registration process.
  3. Check your email (check all inboxes including spam) for your registration confirmation.
  4. You may return to the site anytime by going to https://seattlecolleges.marchingorder.com and using this email address: <student's email address>

We look forward to celebrating with you next month. Commencement Planning Team

Dear Colleagues,  

Commencement 2023 is just six weeks away on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park. You can celebrate and make it a memorable day for the Class of 2023 by signing up to volunteer. And, check out this year’s new and exciting volunteer opportunity: the Cheer Squad, details below.

Sign Up Now

We are looking for 70 volunteers to serve in a variety of roles throughout the day. Serving as a volunteer makes this event possible and reminds graduates of the community that supported them along the way.

If you are interested in volunteering, here are the next steps:

  1. Discuss your plans with your supervisor.
  2. Sign up using the commencement volunteer form. You can tell us your availability and interest on the form.

What to Expect

After you complete the volunteer form, expect an email in the coming weeks with more information and an invite to a Zoom training session. The sessions will help all of us prepare and offer an opportunity to ask questions before commencement day.

On June 22 (commencement day), expect periods of activity as well as some rest throughout the day. Food and beverage for volunteers will be provided, as well as breaks if they are needed. We’ll provide more tips and information later. For now, sign up and start looking for some comfortable shoes to wear.

Join the Cheer Squad

We want each graduate from the first to the last to feel celebrated. So, this year, we are planning a Volunteer Cheer Squad. Volunteers (students, staff, and faculty) interested in participating will have assigned seats close to the stage and will cheer for and applaud every graduate that crosses the stage during the ceremony. Appropriate cheering props and attire will be provided.

Don’t miss out on this once in a year “feel good” opportunity,

Commencement Planning Team 


2023 Grads Say They Will Remember

“Discovering my purpose, finding my tribe and the amazing educators that led me to success on my journey.” - Joanna D.

“I was surrounded by supportive, educated instructors who not only want to see me and my peers win but are accommodating and willing to go the extra mile.” - Keandra P.

“Forever grateful for building community with so many students and supportive faculty that helped push and encourage me to the finish line.” - Appollonia W.

Faculty and Staff Colleagues,

We invite you to help celebrate our students by leading the 2023 graduate procession at Commencement on Thurs., June 22, at T-Mobile Park.

If you plan to process and haven’t already placed your order for rental regalia, please  place your order by Friday, May 12 at 1 p.m. (Our new bookstore, Follett, has requested a five-week notice to complete our order.)

Seattle Colleges pays regalia rental fees for faculty and staff participating in the procession and ceremony. Please place an order only if you are firmly committed. The commencement budget incurs the cost for unused regalia, thus reducing the funds available to students.

You are welcome to bring your own gowns and regalia if you have them.

The ordered rental gowns and regalia items will be available on the day of the ceremony at T-Mobile Park in the Diamond Club, the designated preparation space for faculty and staff. Faculty and staff should plan to change into their regalia before the ceremony begins at 5 p.m. Once the ceremony is over, please return the items to the Diamond Club.

Other Opportunities to Participate

We also encourage you to volunteer, attend the Chancellor’s reception, and mingle and share your congratulations with graduates on the concourse as they wait to line up for the procession from 3 to 4:30 p.m. More information about the opportunities to celebrate graduates will be shared soon.

Thank you for your consideration.

Commencement Planning Team

Dear <name of student>,

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation. To participate in Seattle Colleges Commencement on Thursday, June 22, 2023 at T-Mobile Park (1250 1st Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98134), please register following the instructions below.

Register for 2023 Commencement Ceremony

  1. Create your password: Set Password Here <links to unique, secure web address>
    Note: The password link above is unique to your account, do not forward to others.
  2. Log in and complete the registration process.
  3. Check your email (check all inboxes including spam) for your registration confirmation.
  4. You may return to the site anytime by going to https://seattlecolleges.marchingorder.com and using this email address: <student's email address>

If you have any questions, contact commencement@seattlecolleges.edu

Following is the confirmation email the student receives after they register:

Email Subject Line: Registration Confirmation - Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023


Dear <name of student>,

You are successfully registered for Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023. 

Visit the Seattle Colleges Commencement website for more information. Be sure to check your email regularly for updates.

Congratulations on your graduation!


We invite you to help celebrate our students by leading the 2023 graduate procession at Commencement on Thurs., June 22, at T-Mobile Park.

If you plan to process and haven’t already placed your order for rental regalia, please complete the online order form by Friday, May 12 at 1 p.m. (Our new bookstore, Follett, has requested a five-week notice to complete our order.)

Seattle Colleges pays regalia rental fees for faculty and staff participating in the procession and ceremony. Please place an order only if you are firmly committed. The commencement budget incurs the cost for unused regalia, thus reducing the funds available to students.

Faculty and staff are welcome to bring their own gowns and regalia if they have them.

The ordered rental gowns and regalia items will be available on the day of the ceremony at T-Mobile Park in the Diamond Club, the designated preparation space for faculty and staff. Faculty and staff should plan to change into their regalia before the ceremony begins at 5 p.m. Once the ceremony is over, please return the items to the Diamond Club.

Other Opportunities to Participate

We also encourage you to volunteer, attend the Chancellor’s reception, and mingle and share your congratulations with graduates on the concourse as they wait to line up for the procession from 3 to 4:30 p.m. More information about the opportunities to celebrate graduates will be shared soon.

Thank you for your consideration.

Commencement Planning Team


We invite you to help celebrate our students by leading the 2023 graduate procession at Seattle Colleges Commencement on Thurs., June 22, at T-Mobile Park. 

Now is the time to order your rental regalia. Complete the online order form by Friday, May 12 at 1 p.m. (Our new bookstore, Follett, has requested a five-week notice to complete our order.) 

Seattle Colleges pays regalia rental fees for faculty and staff participating in the procession and ceremony. Please place an order only if you are firmly committed. The commencement budget incurs the cost for unused regalia, thus reducing the funds available to students.  

Faculty and staff are welcome to bring their own gowns and regalia if they have them. 

The ordered rental gowns and regalia items will be available on the day of the ceremony at T-Mobile Park in the Diamond Club, the designated preparation space for faculty and staff. Faculty and staff should plan to change into their regalia before the ceremony begins at 5 p.m. Once the ceremony is over, please return the items to the Diamond Club.  

Other Opportunities to Participate 

We also encourage you to volunteer, attend the Chancellor’s reception, and mingle and share your congratulations with graduates on the concourse as they wait to line up for the procession from 3 to 4:30 p.m. More information about the opportunities to celebrate graduates will be shared soon. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

Commencement Planning Team  

Dear Graduating Students,

Spring Quarter is underway. If you intend to graduate and participate in Commencement 2023, please refer to the checklist below for important information.

  1. Apply for graduation at your college by Monday, May 15 to ensure your name is printed in the commencement program. Refer to your college’s graduation website (linked below) for information about applying for graduation. If you have questions, contact your advisor.

  2. Attend the Spring Festival / Graduation Fair at your college.

    • Wednesday, May 17: Graduation Fair at Seattle Central College
    • Wednesday, May 24: SpringFest at North Seattle College
    • Wednesday, May 24: Spring Fling/Grad Fair at South Seattle College
  3. Register for Commencement 2023. Keep an eye out for our next email on Wednesday, May 17 with the link to register for Commencement 2023. The commencement registration process allows you to record your name to ensure it is pronounced correctly during the ceremony and allows you to leave a quote about your experience at Seattle Colleges. Once you register, you will activate your GradPass, which is required to cross the stage on June 22.
  4. Order your cap and gown. Caps, gowns, and other regalia items will be available to order online. You can also stop into the college bookstores at North, Central, or South to purchase items beginning in mid-May. Order by Friday, June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony. A number of caps and gowns will be available through the Gown Loan Program at each college. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. More information will be available soon.
  5. Attend Seattle Colleges Commencement 2023 on Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park.Details are available online.
  6. Check the Seattle Colleges Commencement website on a regular basis for updates and more information.

Commencement Planning Team


Planning for Seattle Colleges 2023 Commencement is ramping up. The commencement website (www.seattlecolleges.edu/commencement) and related graduation websites for each college (North | Central | South) have been updated, and we have begun messaging to students.

We invite you to take a look and mark your calendar for our day to celebrate: Thursday, June 22 at T-Mobile Park.

If you are planning to attend commencement and take part in the ceremony, watch for messages in May about ordering regalia. We also encourage you to attend the event and cheer on our graduates with their families and friends.

Thank you. 

Commencement Planning Committee 

Attention: Graduating Students,

Congratulations! We are excited to host the 2023 Seattle Colleges Commencement ceremony on Thursday, June 22, at T-Mobile Park and celebrate with you, your family, and friends. Following are key dates and important information to help you prepare.

Apply for Graduation
Graduation is the official process of earning a degree or certificate. When you apply to graduate, staff in the Registrar’s Office at your college check to certify that all program requirements have been satisfied.

To ensure your name is in the printed commencement program, apply for graduation at your college by Monday May 15. Visit your college’s graduation website for more information.

Plan to Attend the Commencement Ceremony
Commencement is the annual event that celebrates our graduates’ accomplishments. Seattle Colleges’ commencement ceremony for the Class of 2023 will be held on Thursday, June 22, at T-Mobile Park. This is a shared, in-person ceremony bringing together North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and South Seattle College.

An invitation to participate in commencement is extended to students who:

  • Have graduated in Summer Quarter 2022, Fall Quarter 2022, or Winter Quarter 2023, or
  • Will graduate at the end of Spring Quarter 2023 or Summer Quarter 2023.

Plan to Order Your Cap and Gown
A cap and gown are required for all graduates participating in the commencement ceremony. Caps, gowns, and other regalia items can be ordered online. More information will be available soon on the commencement website, and we will notify you once online ordering becomes available. Order your caps and gowns by Friday, June 9 to guarantee delivery before the June 22 ceremony. You can also stop into the college bookstores at North, Central, or South to purchase items in person beginning the week of May 8.

A number of caps and gowns will be available through a loan program at each college. They will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. More information will be provided soon.

Visit the Website
More information about all things related to commencement is available at www.seattlecolleges.edu/commencement.

We look forward to celebrating with you.

District Communications 

Dear Students,

Please save the date for Commencement 2023: Thursday, June 22, at T-Mobile Park.

This is our annual in-person ceremony for Seattle Colleges, bringing together North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and South Seattle College. All required health and safety protocols in effect at that time will be observed.

Tentative Schedule for the Event:

  • 3 p.m. Doors open for students and guests
  • 4:30 p.m. Graduates line up
  • 5 p.m. Ceremony begins with procession
  • 7:15 p.m. Ceremony concludes

Seattle Colleges does not use a ticketing system for guests. There is no limit on the number of guests a graduate may bring. Seating for guests will be available at the top of the concourse.

The commencement website will be updated regularly as additional details are available. For information about applying for graduation, see your college’s graduation website (North, Central, South) and refer to our Graduation and Commencement Overview webpage.

Thank you,
District Communications