Report an Accident

Anyone—student, employee, or visitor—injured on any of our college campuses or training centers must submit an accident report as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of the injury. This may be done at the campus Department of Safety and Security.

The term accident applies to any personal injury. Accident reports are not required for illness unless injuries result (e.g., a seizure causes the person to fall and strike an object).

     Complete an Incident / Hazard Report 

Students and Visitors
If the injury occurs to a student or visitor, an accident report should be submitted, but any medical expenses incurred must be paid for by the individual or their personal health insurance.

An accident occurring to an employee or a work study student during their working hours is covered by Washington State Industrial Insurance. An injured employee who requires medical attention must advise the physician or hospital of this coverage immediately so they may initiate an industrial insurance form. The health care provider will then forward this form to the employer. The District Occupational Safety and Health Manager receives and completes these reports on behalf of the college and submits the finalized OSHA 300 logs at the end of the year to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics in Olympia. Any verbal or written communications received by a divisional office with regard to an injured employee(s) should be immediately submitted to the Department of Safety and Security.

Accident Prevention Policy
Seattle Colleges believes in the dignity and importance of individual employees and their right to derive personal satisfaction from their job. The prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses is given top priority at all times.

As per WAC 296-24-040, a college accident prevention program has been developed that emphasizes the integration of safety and health measures into each job task so that safety/health and job performance become inseparable. This will be accomplished through the cooperative efforts of managers, supervisors, and employees.

By accepting mutual responsibility to operate safely, we will contribute to the well-being of all personnel.