Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

These SOPs are Administrative Controls for procedures that have a higher-than-normal hazardous risk. Each SOP covers the hazards, the equipment needed, and the step-by-step process for each task that will ensure the best safety for the employee. 

Click on any of the links below for the Safety Department approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for completing hazardous tasks on campuses.



Standard Operating Procedure: 
Background: Standard fluorescent lamps range in different sizes and shape and are constructed of a thin glass wall with a fluorescent coating of blended metallic salts and phosphors.  The pressure inside the lamps is kept at .3% of atmospheric pressure creating a vacuum when the glass is broken and a loud pop. The gasses inside the tube are a mixture of many inert gases that are used in light generation and mercury vapor.  This mercury vapor makes the lamp a hazardous waste when disposed of.  An intact bulb is considered Universal Waste, but a broken bulb is contaminated with mercury and must be disposed of as hazardous waste.  Maintenance 

Type of Hazard: 

  • High Risk: Inhalation (Mercury vapors) 
  • Low Risk: Injection, Ingestion (Glass Injury, mercury)  

Note: All precautions and care must be taken to ensure that fluorescent lamps are kept intact.  Always use safe processes to prevent bulbs from breaking.  
When a fluorescent lamp is accidentally broken there is potential for eye injury from the force of flying glass. When changing out lamps or working with lamps be sure to be wearing at minimum work gloves and a pair of safety glasses.

Preparation for cleanup:

  • Proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) needed for this job are as follows: 
  • Cut Resistant Gloves
  • A properly worn N95 for dust 

Tools Needed:

  • A broom and dustpan.
  • Duct tape for picking up small particles.
  • A small sealable waste receptacle. (i.e., Tupperware).  
  • Damp disposable cleaning cloth
  • Vacuuming should not be done unless glass is embedded in carpet.  If vacuuming must be done a HEPA collection bag must be used and the bag must be disposed of as Hazardous Waste


  1. Once a fluorescent bulb is broken evacuate the space and shut off the ventilation if possible. After 10-15 minutes the mercury vapors would have dissipated enough to begin cleanup operations safely. 
  2. Clean up large pieces of broken glass and metal parts of the broken bulb and place in sealed container. 
  3. Use dry and wet cleaning methods to pick up all dust and broken glass not captured during other cleaning methods. 
  4. Seal all glass inside container and dispose of as mercury contaminated hazardous waste.

If you need a task evaluated or added to this list, please contact District Safety at: 