Media Contacts and Staff

We work cooperatively with the communications directors at each college to coordinate our news and communications efforts. The following staff members can serve as spokespersons to the media or resources to Seattle Colleges employees.

Media Contacts

Districtwide Inquiries

Barbara Childs
Associate Vice Chancellor of Public Relations and Strategic Initiatives
Communications and Strategic Initiatives
Seattle Colleges District Office

North Seattle College

Mike Sprouse
Director of Communications
North Seattle College

Seattle Central College

Adam Russell
Director of Marketing and Communications
Seattle Central College

South Seattle College

Ty Swenson
Director of Communications
South Seattle College

Note: Student Information Disclosure Policy

Students are covered by a federal law called FERPA—the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. This law protects the confidentiality of certain information and records pertaining to students, including those attending Seattle Colleges. Unless the student consents (or a FERPA exception applies), Seattle Colleges is prohibited from disclosing to third parties information from a student’s education records.

Public Records Request

Seattle Colleges is dedicated to the principles of open government and promotes an environment of transparency and cooperation.

To submit a public records request, please contact our Seattle Colleges Public Records Manager.