Faculty/Staff Presenters

Each year Seattle Colleges' faculty come together to share their passion for their programs and for teaching students at Discover Seattle Colleges events. It's a showcase opportunity like no other! 

Present at Online Events

Hundreds of faculty and staff that have presented and hosted events since 2021. You are responsible for building a library of more than 200 videos with thousands of views. 

On the day of your presentation your audience size may have varied from one to many but your content and enthusiasm lives on as we continue to share your videos through our websites and email communications with prospective and current students determining what path of study they want to pursue.

Participate at Open Houses

Your participation in Discover Open Houses also makes an indelible impression. Students who may have met you online now have an opportunity to visit campus and see in-person the people, and spaces they will study, learn and grow in. Your faces are the first they see as they begin to feel a sense of community and make important decisions about their future. Those positive first impressions and interactions (and we've learned it takes as many as 4-7 times) are what will move students to take those next steps. 

Sign Up

  1. Please sign up first using the Discover Sign Up Form

  2. Then, fill out your presentation slides if you are joining the online events: Program Presentation Intake Form


Participating faculty will be compensated for their time spent on activities. There are two budgets set aside for stipends:

  1. Workforce Division Faculty (non-BAS)
    District Workforce pays stipends out of the District Perkins funding (a 145 budget). Discover is written into our Perkins plan, with funds allocated each year to support faculty stipends for the events. Discover Seattle Colleges is part of our Perkins Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) strategic goals to inform the community about workforce offerings at Seattle Colleges.
  2. Academic Transfer and BAS Faculty
    District Public Relations & Strategic Initiatives manages a Discover Seattle Colleges budget to pay for stipends for academic transfer and BAS faculty. These funds have been cleared for this purpose.

Stipend Process

The Discover 2025 Sign Up Form outlines the maximum amount of hours faculty can request to be reimbursed for (3.5 hours maximum for Online Zoom Events, 7 hours maximum for Open House events). After the Discover events, Rachel Andre sends faculty a stipend request form to capture their information and total number of hours spent out of the maximum. Rachel provides this list to payroll and the budget managers and the stipends are processed.

For further questions about the Discover faculty stipends budget and process, please reach out to Rachel Andre (Workforce) and Barb Childs (Public Relations & Strategic Initiatives).