What to Expect
Welcome to Seattle Colleges! All new Seattle Promise scholars participate in Readiness Academy as a requirement of the Seattle Promise scholarship.
At Readiness Academy, you will register for fall classes, learn exactly how your Seattle Promise scholarship funding works, meet other Seattle Promise students, and meet your Seattle Promise Retention Specialist.
Each event is approximately 3 hours, and will take place during the school day. Students should expect to coordinate an excused absence with their High School.
You must choose one Readiness Academy session to attend.
Setting up your MySeattleColleges ID and activating your ctcLink account before Readiness Academy will make the session go much smoother.
You should also add the Seattle College code to your FAFSA or WASFA. You can do this by logging in to your Student Aid Report (FAFSA) or logging in to the WASFA website and adding the code for the college you plan to attend this fall:
- North: 009704
- Central: 003787
- South: 009706
Finally: You should complete the Equity Scholarship Form – this will help us award you additional scholarship funds if you’re eligible.