Step 5: Pay and Prepare

Ready to attend classes at Seattle Colleges? We have a spot for you! Check out the information and resources below to help you at every step of the tuition payment process.

Where and When to Pay Tuition and Fees

Students are not officially registered until tuition and fees have been paid in full to the college or contracted for full payment with a deferred payment plan for monthly tuition payment (see below). Payments must be received prior to the posted tuition deadline. Payments can be made online through the college website, through the mail, or in person at the cashier's office. VISA, Master Card, American Express, and Discover credit cards may be used for online payment of tuition and fees. These credit cards, debit cards, and checks in the exact amount of the tuition, and fees are also accepted for payment at the cashier’s window. Cashiers are located near the Registration Offices at each of the campuses.

North Seattle College

Seattle Central College

South Seattle College

Optional Payment Plan for Tuition

Each of the Seattle Colleges offers a deferred payment service through a third-party sponsor. Enrollment in this program enables students to make automated monthly tuition payments from a bank account, debit card, or credit card. Students must have a tuition/fee balance of $100 or more to be eligible for this option. Students taking Continuing Education classes and international students are not eligible for this option. For further information:

North Seattle College

Seattle Central College 

South Seattle College


Tuition at community and technical colleges in Washington state is charged by credits rather than by part-time or full-time status. In addition to credit load, tuition is also determined by residency.* International students are required to carry a credit load of 12 or more to maintain their status. Tuition and fees are set by the Washington State Legislature and are subject to change.

*See Residency Requirements.

Tuition Rates for Lower Division Courses

waiver eligible
5$637.95$728.95$728.95 $1,640.65
10$1,275.90$ 1,457.90$ 1,457.90$3,281.30
21$2,122.99$2,312.75$2,312.75 $4,795.61

Note: Students in Professional/Technical programs that require more than 18 credits per quarter (e.g., Culinary Arts) pay a reduced rate for those credits. See the program website.

Tuition Rates, Upper-Division Courses (for students earning B.A.S. degrees)

Tuition Rates for Upper Division Courses

CreditsBAS ResidentBAS Non–ResidentNon-Resident
5$1,238.05$ 1,329.05 $3,477.95

Note: Students in Professional/Technical programs that require more than 18 credits per quarter (e.g., Culinary Arts) pay a reduced rate for those credits. See the program website.

Tuition Rates for Distance/eLearning, BAS Degrees, International Students

Tuition Rates for Distance/eLearning:

Tuition Rates for Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) degrees:

Tuition Rates for International Students:

Costs for Noncredit Classes and Precollege Courses

Several programs have lower tuition rates, including Adult Basic Education, GED Preparation, pre-college level English as a Second Language (ESL), and Running Start. Consult with the appropriate department for costs.

Non-credit Continuing Education classes have varied rates. Please see the Registration Office or quarterly class schedule of any of our colleges for information about these special rates and fees or for information about enrolling, paying fees, or more detail:

Student Fees

Student fees vary each year and are approved by the state Legislature or the Seattle Colleges board of trustees.

Students pay a variety of fees each quarter. Typical fees might include:

  • Technology fee ($3 per credit with a maximum) for access to email and the latest technologies
  • Class/lab fee for some classes for equipment or materials
  • Transportation fee which allows reduced-fee ORCA passes or ferry reimbursement
  • Student activity fee
  • Other fees

For current fees related to registration and attendance, go to the quarterly class schedules.

Special Program Fees

Please refer to the quarterly schedule for each campus for other fees, program-specific fees, and class fees, including those related to Adult Basic Education, GED, High School, and Apprentice programs.

Non-credit and Community Service Program Fees

Please refer to quarterly class schedule for each campus for fees associated with non-credit and community education programs.

Other Fees

Please refer to the campus website or class schedule for other fees, such as GED fee, transcript fee, testing or placement fees, or work experience evaluation fee.

State Employees

Permanent Washington state employees working 50 percent of full-time equivalency (FTE) may register on a space-available basis using the State Tuition Waiver. For detailed information on this waiver, please contact your Human Resources department or go to this website:

Waivers for Veterans

See “Financial Assistance for Veterans” section on the Steps to Enrolling page located under Step 2: Plan Your Funding.

Other Waivers

The Washington State Legislature has approved other tuition waivers. That information can be found by visiting the financial aid office at each of our colleges. There is preliminary information available at

Student injury and sickness insurance is available to students registered for six or more credits. Provided by Summit America Insurance Services, L.C., the policy provides broad coverage at a comparatively inexpensive rate. Student insurance must be purchased during the first two weeks of each quarter. For more information, see

General Refunds

Tuition and fees (those that are refundable) will be refunded if complete or partial withdrawal from classes is accomplished within the first 20 calendar days of the regular college quarter starting date (District Procedure 605.30.1). Fees and tuition refunds are returned automatically once students have officially dropped online or in person with the refund schedule below:

  • Withdrawal resulting from classes canceled by college: 100 percent
  • During the first five (5) instructional days of the college quarter: 100 percent*
  • From the sixth (6) instructional day through the 20th calendar day of the college quarter: 50%*
  • No refunds after the first twenty (20) calendar days of the college quarter: 0 percent

*Subject to administrative fee of $6.

There is no charge for dropping classes if no refund is involved. Allow at least two weeks from the time of payment for refund processing.

If the last refund day of any period falls on the weekend, then:

  • Last day for a 50 percent refund less processing fee: in person by 4 p.m. on the Friday prior.
  • Last day for a 50 percent refund less processing fee: online by 11:59 p.m. on the last refund day.

Financial Aid Refunds

Refunds to financial aid recipients will be refunded to the appropriate financial aid account as required by federal and state regulations, including those students who are dismissed for disciplinary reasons. Students may be required to return financial aid funds to the college if federal or state regulations require the college to do so.

International Refunds

International students who attend one of the Seattle Community Colleges on a visa and make advance payments must have enrolled at the college in the quarter for which they are requesting a refund and must provide documentation establishing extenuating circumstances, such as visa denial or medical reasons.

Intensive English Language Program Refunds

  • Withdrawal prior to first class: 100 percent
  • During the first five calendar days: 80 percent
  • From the sixth through the 14th calendar days: 50 percent
  • No refund after the 14th calendar day: 0 percent

Continuing Education Programs and Community Education Classes Refund Policy

North Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and South Seattle College:

  • Before 48 hours prior to first day class: 100 percent*
  • No refunds for cancellations within 48 hours of start of class or after class begins: 0 percent

*Subject to an administrative fee.

Other Refunds

  • Disciplinary reasons: No refund will be given to a student who is dismissed for disciplinary reasons (Policy 605.30.4).
  • Failure to follow procedures: No refund will be given to a student who fails to follow official withdrawal procedures (Policy 605.30.4).
  • Summer quarter and short or irregular courses: Shorter courses and programs, as well as Summer Quarter courses, will also be refunded, but on appropriately shortened time frames.
  • Parking fees: Parking fees will be refunded only in the case of 100 percent withdrawal from the college, in which case the fees will be refunded on the same schedule as tuition (Policy 605.30.7).

Tuition Changes

Tuition is subject to change by the Washington State Legislature and approval by the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Seattle Colleges reserves the right to change any of its fees or charges without notice.

Nonpayment of Tuition and Fees

Costs and expenses that result from collecting unpaid tuition and fees will be added to the total owed to the colleges, according to state laws RCW 28B.10.293 and RCW 19.16.500.

Community and Technical Colleges - Sources and use of revenue (FY 2021).