Seattle College District Procedure
TITLE: Seattle District College Workplace Violence Claim Procedure
A. Introduction:
This procedure implements Seattle District College Policy 451, which prohibits workplace violence. Members of the college community who believe they have been subject to or are at risk from workplace violence should report their concerns directly to Human Resources or the Director of Campus Security. Individuals with any concerns about their immediate safety should call 911 and then call the campus safety office. Police officers can ensure your immediate safety and help to gather and preserve evidence for a criminal case.
Claims may be submitted in writing through Seattle Colleges’ internal reporting system Maxient, or orally. For parties who wish to submit a written claim, a claim form is available online:
Hardcopies of the claim form are available at the following locations on campus or the District office:
o Seattle District College Office
1500 Harvard Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122;
2nd Floor Reception Desk
(206) 934-3873
o Seattle Central College
1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122
Student Services Office: Room BE4180
HR Office: BE4180
206) 934-4017
o North Seattle College
9600 College Way North, Seattle, WA 98103
Student Services Office: 3NC2449A
HR Office: 3NC2261G
(206) 934-4710
o South Seattle College
6000 16th Avenue S.W., Seattle, WA 98106
Student Services Office: Room CC2354
HR Office: Room CC2160A
(206) 934-6415
o Georgetown Apprenticeship and Education Center
Main Office: 4GT100
(206) 934-6415
B. Definitions:
Workplace Violence: Any verbal assault, threatening behavior, or physical assault occurring in or arising from the worksite, as cited in the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
The definition of workplace violence includes the following conduct:
A. Threatening behavior – any display of force that the perpetrator knows or reasonably should have known would cause a reasonable person to fear or expect physical injury.
B. Verbal or written threat – any expression not otherwise protected by law that expresses an intent to inflict physical injury or harm to another or the property of another.
C. Physical assault – hitting, shoving, pushing, kicking, throwing objects or other unwanted physical contact that the perpetrator knows or reasonably should have known would intimidate or cause physical injury or harm to another.
C. WHO MAY FILE A CLAIM ABOUT Workplace Violence:
Any member of the Seattle District College may file a claim of workplace violence. Claims may be submitted in writing or verbally. The Seattle District College encourages the timely reporting of any incidents of workplace violence.
Conduct that constitutes workplace violence may also be, or occur in conjunction with, criminal conduct. Criminal claims may be filed with the applicable law enforcement authorities.
The College will proceed with an investigation of workplace violence claims regardless of whether the underlying conduct is subject to civil or criminal prosecution.
Call 911 in case of emergency.
Campus Security Offices
North Seattle College: CC 1252, 206.934.3636
Seattle Central College: BE 1108, 206.934.5442
Seigal Center: BE 1108, 206.934.5442
Wood Technology Center: 206.934.5442
Health Education Center: 206-255-3974 / 206.934.5442. Security officers usually sit at a table just inside the main entrance on the south side of the Pacific Tower Building.
Seattle Maritime Academy: 206.934.5442
South Seattle College: RSB62A, 206.934.5157
Georgetown Apprenticeship and Education Center: C102, 206.354.6185
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 06/02/1998
Revised: 5/11/2023
Reviewed Date: 5/09/2024
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1998/06/02
Revision Date : 2023/05/11