Seattle College District Procedure
NUMBER: 440.10-.70
TITLE: Temporary Appointments
The Department of Human Resources shall monitor hourly and temporary employees.
- 440.10 Each month a computer print-out listing all student hourly and temporary employees shall be printed listing the total number of hours worked for the pay period.
- 440.20 This list will be reviewed by the Department of Human Resources and employees approaching limits of their employment will be identified.
- 440.30 The appointing authorities will be given a list of these employees each month. Upon request, the Department of Human Resources will provide to the union a current roster of temporary and part-time hourly employees (excluding faculty), identifying them by name and campus location.
- 440.40 Employing department supervisors of temporary or student hourly employees will be notified of those employees approaching limits of their employment.
- 440.50 In addition, the employee, prior to hire, will be given a copy of the temporary employee information sheet, which informs the employee of conditions of their employment. Copies will be attached to the ENSRC.
- 440.60 Financial aid offices will monitor work-study students by reviewing the total number of hours worked for each student.
- 440.70 The Department of Human Resources will have on file copies of this information sheet to check against the monthly report.
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 2/17/1987
Revised: 7/11/2005
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1987/02/17
Revision Date : 2005/07/11