Seattle College District Procedure
NUMBER: 435.05-.55
TITLE: Leave - Classified Employees
Procedures for various types of leave are outlined as follows:
435.05 Personal Holiday
Personal holiday leave shall be governed by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement:
- 435.05.1 Permanent classified employee submits a leave request (written or verbal) to the departmental supervisor.
- 435.05.2 The supervisor will enter the leave information on the monthly leave report, which summarizes all employees' leaves for a given month. The original is sent to the Human Resources Department and a copy is kept by the department.
435.10 Vacation Leave
Vacation leave shall be governed by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- 435.10.1 The procedure and forms used for personal holiday leave apply to vacation.
- 435.10.2 Vacation leave will be scheduled by the employing department at a time most convenient to the work of the department, the determination of which will rest with the employing official.
As far as is reasonably possible, leave will be scheduled in accordance with the wishes of the employee in any amount up to the total of his/her earned leave credits.
435.15 Sick Leave
Sick leave shall be governed by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- 435.15.1 Sick leave requests and reporting utilize the same procedure and forms as the personal holiday request.
- 435.15.2 When an employee exhausted his/her accrued sick leave due to prolonged illness or disability, the employee shall have the option of using any or all accrued vacation leave prior to requesting leave without pay.
- 435.15.3 Upon reporting to work, the employee may be required to submit a physician's statement.
435.20 Bereavement Leave
- 435.20.1 Up to three (3) days of paid bereavement leave will be granted for the death of any family member or household member that requires the employees absence from work. Family members are defined for this purpose as mother, father, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, son, daughter, step child and a child in the custody of and residing in the home of the employee.
- 435.20.3 Bereavement leave is reported in the same manner as sick leave.
435.25 Maternity Leave
Maternity leave shall be governed by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement and consistent with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). The following procedure is required:
- 435.25.1 Maternity leave shall be reported in the same manner as sick leave for any documented period of disability.
- 435.25.2 Notification to the employing official and the Human Resources officer must be made no later than thirty (30) days in advance of the anticipated date of the leave commencement. If the need for the leave is unforeseeable thirty (30) days in advance, then the employee will provide such notice when feasible.
In the event of the need for change in dates, a good faith effort will be made to accommodate specific employee needs.
- 435.25.3 Accrued sick leave may be used during the temporary disability resulting from pregnancy. (See procedure 435.15.2.)
435.30 Parental Leave
- 435.30.1 Parental leave will be granted to the employee for the purpose of bonding with his or her natural newborn, adoptive or foster child. Parental leave may extend up to six months, including time covered by the FMLA, during the first year after the childs birth or placement. Leave beyond the period covered by the FMLA may only be denied by the employer due to operational necessity. Such denial may be grieved beginning at the top internal step of the grievance procedure according to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- 435.30.2 Parental leave may be a combination of the employees accrued vacation leave, sick leave for pregnancy disability or other qualifying events, personal holiday, compensatory time, or leave without pay. Parent leave may be taken on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
435.35 Work-Related Injury or Illness
Compensable work-related injury or illness leave will be governed by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. The following procedure will be followed for leave approval:
- 435.35.1 Safety/security offices on each campus and the district office will prepare the appropriate form for compensable claims.
- 435.35.2 Leave is reported on the monthly leave report form.
435.40 Military Leave
Military leave shall be governed by provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, RCW 38.40.060, and applicable federal laws. The following procedure is required:
- 435.40.1 Military leave shall be reported in the same manner as sick leave.
- 435.40.2 When possible, sufficient notice should be provided to the supervisor so the employee's job may be covered properly.
- 435.40.3 Leave up to 15 days per calendar year is not deducted from any other leave.
- 435.40.4 Leave beyond 15 days must be deducted from vacation leave or leave without pay.
435.45 Jury Duty Leave (See also POLICY 408, Performance of Civil Duties) Jury duty leave shall be granted to serve on jury duty, as trial witness, or to exercise subpoenaed civil duties, and in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.
The following procedure will be followed for jury duty leave:
- 435.45.1 Jury duty leave is reported as such on the monthly leave report form.
- 435.45.2 The employee should notify the immediate supervisor of impending jury duty requirements as soon as he/she is aware of the commitment.
- 435.45.3 No jury duty leave shall be deducted from accrued sick or vacation leave.
435.50 Leave Without Pay
Leave without pay may be allowed as per provisions of the collective bargaining agreement. The following procedure will be followed for leave without pay.
- 435.50.1 Leave without pay must be requested in advance in writing to the supervisor and the Human Resources officer.
- 435.50.2 The supervisor will approve or deny leave without pay requests, in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days when practicable and will include the reason for denial.
435.55 Leave of Absence - Duration
Leave of absence without pay will be limited to twelve (12) months or fewer in any consecutive five year period, or as in accordance with the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
Chancellor’s Cabinet – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 2/17/1987
Revised: 7/11/2005
Companion Document : Pol
Adoption Date : 1987/02/17
Revision Date : 2005/07/11