Seattle College District Policy
The Seattle District College is committed to its employees' safety and health. As such, workplace violence, which includes threatening behavior, and verbal and physical assaults, will not be tolerated at the District.
Seattle District College will make reasonable efforts to see that all members of the college community, including but not limited to employees, visitors, or guests to the college adhere to practices designed to make the workplace safe and secure.
Members of the college community are encouraged to report concerns about workplace violence to the Administration, as well as appropriate law enforcement agencies. Immediate and appropriate action, as described in the accompanying procedure, will be taken to investigate and resolve workplace violence concerns. Retaliation against any individual for making a claim or cooperating in a workplace investigation involving allegations of workplace violence is prohibited. Employees found responsible for engaging in workplace violence or retaliation in violation of this policy, shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment.
Board of Trustees – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 6/2/1998
Revised: 5/11/2023
Reviewed Date: 5/09/2024
Companion Document : Pro
Adoption Date : 1998/06/02
Revision Date : 2023/05/11