Seattle College District Policy
TITLE: Use of Electronic Information Resources
This policy establishes measures for acceptable use of Seattle College District's electronic information resources. All District Electronic Information Resources and all information placed on said resources are the property of the District and the electronic information resources at the District are to be used only in a manner that supports the educational mission of the District. The District's mission statements encourage learning, research, creativity, teaching, and the free exchange of ideas in a climate of openness and sharing.
All Electronic Information Resource users are required to read, understand and comply with this policy and its related procedures. Use of a college EIR constitutes an agreement to abide by this policy and its procedures.
Board of Trustees – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 5/5/1998
Reviewed: 10/10/2013
Companion Document : Pro
Adoption Date : 1998/05/05
Revision Date : 2013/10/10