Seattle College District Policy
TITLE: Naming of Seattle College District Facilities
Buildings and facilities shall generally be named in a manner descriptive of their basic functions. However, in case of a unique, extraordinary professional or financial contributions to the Seattle Colleges, it will be proper for an individual's or organization’s name to be bestowed upon a building, facility, or outdoor space. Decisions to name buildings, facilities, rooms, or outdoor spaces shall require three months to elapse between the first written request from the Chancellor to the Board of Trustees and the time when further action shall be taken on such proposal by the Board of Trustees.
Additionally, the Board of Trustees may exercise discretion to authorize naming of facilities under terms and conditions it deems reasonable.
- Individual or group requests are to be submitted in writing to the College President if the request relates to a campus facility. All other requests are to be submitted to the Chancellor. All materials should include evidence for a broad base of support and should describe in detail the extraordinary contributions of the individual or organization.
In situations in which a building, facility, room or outdoor space may be named in recognition of an extraordinary financial contribution, the Chancellor will provide the Board of Trustees with guidelines regarding specific projects and financial contributions. These guidelines will be kept up to date by College and District Advancement staff. Any limits imposed on the recognition will be approved by the Board of Trustees.
- When a College President or Chancellor receives a request, he/she may choose to form an ad hoc committee, constituted of representatives from the following campus groups: faculty, management, classified staff and students. This ad hoc committee will provide information to the President and Chancellor regarding the request and may be asked for a recommendation.
- The decision to make a formal request of the Board of Trustees regarding the naming of Seattle College District VI and college facilities is at the discretion of the College President and the Chancellor.
- Individuals or groups making requests should be prepared to make a presentation to the President and Chancellor and/or an ad-hoc committee with supporting materials and additional relevant information. The President or Chancellor will keep the requesting individual or group informed on the process.
- When possible, a building name should include the function of that facility in its title.
- No naming in honor of an individual who has served the Seattle Colleges in an academic, administrative, or staff capacity may be considered until two years after retirement, separation, or death if the person had not yet retired or separated from the District. A naming in honor of an individual who has retired from the Seattle Colleges but has been recalled to full or part time employment may be considered based on the earlier of the first two criteria.
- No naming in honor of an individual who has served the Seattle Colleges, community, state, or nation in an elected or appointed position may be considered until two years after retirement or separation from the elected or appointed office.
- If at any time following the approval of a naming, circumstances change substantially so that the continued use of that name may compromise the public trust, reflect negatively on the Seattle Colleges, or conflict with the Seattle Colleges’ mission, the Seattle Colleges reserves the right to remove the naming.
- In addition, plaques, memorials or any other form of recognition to be affixed to any building, structure, or facility of the Seattle Colleges may be approved at the discretion of the College President and Chancellor.
- When a facility is named either in honor of distinguished service or in recognition of a donor, the naming right will generally be effective for the useful life of the facility. If a facility must be replaced or substantially renovated, the facility may be renamed, subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift or other naming right agreement related to the prior naming action.
Board of Trustees – Revision & Adoption History
Adopted: 6/7/1995
Revised: 3/12/2002
Revised: 3/12/2015
Revised: 11/10/2016
Revised: 1/12/2017
Adoption Date : 1995/06/07
Revision Date : 2017/01/12